Choosing the right audio interface may seem a little overwhelming. There are all kinds of different input and output configurations, connection types, formats and many other options to consider. So, how do you find the right one for you? This article will help you navigate the choices you need to make so that you find the interface that best meets your needs.
Interview Shoot:
We recommend shooting with Sennheiser G3 or G4 Lapel mics, though you will find a lot of mics available in the Market from brands like Rode, Sure, etc. But these mics have become industry standard and gives the highest possible quality in sound. If its a one camera sound set up you can pair it up with a DSLR and if its a Multi-Camera set up then you might need a recorder like the Sennheiser 552 one or the Zoom H6n.
Sync Sound:
This is a slightly professional set-up. If you don’t have the technical know-how you might want to hire a Professional sound recordist. You will have to use professional sound recorders like 552 one or 664 along with Lav mics or boom mics.
Ambience sound:
You can capture this on your camera directly. If you want a better sound output you can opt for a Rode mic or directly record it in a Zoom recorder using a globe/Uni-directional mic.
Here’s the handful of items that belong in every sound guy’s gear bag:
Duct or gaffer’s tape.
Spare AA batteries and fuses.
Range of Audio Equipments available on Rent with Paxton Equipments.